Dr. Ben Daniels
University of Calgary
Research Topic
Longitudinal variations in submarine channel stacking and internal architecture, Figueroa Clinoform System
M.Sc. Thesis: "Downslope Characterization of Channel Fill and Stratigraphic Architecture along an Ancient Basin Margin, Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile"
Previous degrees:
M.Sc. (University of Calgary)
B.Sc. (University of Waterloo)
Little known fact: An early mentor was David Piper, marine geologist.
Research Associate
CSS Publications
Daniels, B.G., Hubbard, S.M., Stright, L. and Romans, B.W., 2024. Downslope variability in deep-water slope channel fill facies and stacking patterns. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 165, p.106869.
Kaempfe‐Droguett, S.A., Romans, B.W., Hubbard, S.M., Daniels, B.G. and Stright, L., Stacking pattern transition caused by submarine channel inception and internal levée development. Sedimentology.
Nesbit, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Daniels, B.G., Bell, D., Englert, R.G. and Hugenholtz, C.H., 2021. Digital re‐evaluation of down‐dip channel‐fill architecture in deep‐water slope deposits: Multi‐scale perspectives from UAV‐SfM. The Depositional Record.
Auchter, N.C., Romans, B.W., Hubbard, S.M., Daniels, B.G., Scher, H., Buckley, W., 2020, Intrabasinal sediment recycling from strontium isotope stratigraphy: Geology.
Daniels, B.G., Hubbard, S.M., Romans, B.W., Malkowski, M.A., Matthews, W.A., Bernhardt, A., Kaempfe, S.A., Jobe, Z.R., Fosdick, J.C., Schwartz, T.M. and Fildani, A., 2019. Revised chronostratigraphic framework for the Cretaceous Magallanes-Austral Basin, Última Esperanza Province, Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 94, p.102209.
Daniels, B.G., Auchter, N.C., Hubbard, S.M., Romans, B.W., Matthews, W.A. and Stright, L., 2018. Timing of deep-water slope evolution constrained by large-n detrital and volcanic ash zircon geochronology, Cretaceous Magallanes Basin, Chile. GSA Bulletin, 130(3-4), pp.438-454.
Daniels, B., 2015. Downslope Characterization of Channel Fill and Stratigraphic Architecture along an Ancient Basin Margin, Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile [MS thesis, University of Calgary]